Come Fly with me…

We hope you’re enjoying the sunny weather. The warmer temperatures have made us think about overseas events; so I’ve been looking at incentive travel destinations, and incentive programmes as a whole.

As the economy recovers, a recent industry report suggests incentive travel is once again on the rise amongst corporates. So should you run an incentive programme? A professionally run sales incentive will not only ensure your staff and customers are motivated and happy, but will see your sales figures soar, with a proven return on your investment.

A well constructed incentive travel programme is about more than the final trip… but we’ll save the logistics for now and skip to the good bit… destinations!

In our recent newsletter we’ve highlighted a few options to match a range of goals and budgets, from Mauritius to Malta, and UK based incentives. Grab yourselves a cuppa and come away with me…

Have a good summer; Wally.